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- Parklane tower 20th floor, 2021
Business Bay Dubai - +971 04 5918486
- 10am - 6:30pm
Since Hungary is a member of the European Union (EU) as well as a party to the Schengen Treaty, differing rules and conditions apply to EU/EEA nationals compared to non-EU/EEA nationals. Foreign nationals from non-EU/EEA member countries need to apply for a valid work permit and/or visa to work in Hungary. The Minister of National Economy publishes on an annual basis the number of work permits that can be issued to foreign nationals which is published in the Official Hungarian Gazzette (Magyar Közlöny).
All foreign nationals who intend to work in Hungary must obtain a work permit.
Types of work permits:
General procedure:
Submit a work permit application to the Labour Centre if the foreign national intends to work for a period less than 90 days with a 180-day period
If the foreign national intends to work for a period exceeding 90 days within a 180-day period, the joint permit should be submitted to the Immigration Bureau. It takes up to 90 days to obtain approval for a joint work permit and is valid for a 2-year period. Such work permits can be extended for an additional 2-year period.
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